Blue Line

Youth lounge named after RCMP’s Cst. Rick O’Brien

June 26, 2024  By Blue Line Staff

June 26, 2024, Pitt Meadows, B.C. – The City of Pitt Meadows has created the Constable Rick O’Brien Youth Lounge to pay homage to the legacy of the Ridge Meadows RCMP member who shot and killed in the line of duty on Sep. 22, 2023.

“[The grand opening event] will provide us with an opportunity to come together and meaningfully reflect on who he was and his deep devotion to engaging and working with youth. The naming of the youth lounge is one way to remember and pay tribute to him in a space where he loved to spend time,” said Pitt Meadows Mayor Nicole MacDonald in a statement.

The youth lounge will have new external signage designed by Nicole O’Brien, Cst. O’Brian’s wife, including a silhouette of the constable. Inside the lounge, there will be a dedicated memorial space to honour him.

“I am incredibly grateful to the City of Pitt Meadows for honouring my husband in such a meaningful way,” said Nicole O’Brien. “Rick loved being around kids and—during his time in Pitt Meadows—he enjoyed visiting the youth lounge to hang out or shoot some hoops with the kids that were there. He envisioned bringing youth and law enforcement together, and I am excited about the inclusive events, activities and programs we can host here to make his vision a reality.”


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