Blue Line

Features Off the Shelf Opinion
You Can’t Make This Sh#t Up by Randy Ward

You Can’t Make This Sh#t Up: Policing Through Stories
By Randy Ward; 2018, 128 pages
ISBN: 978-1775289302

December 11, 2018  By Tom McKenzie

Through this collection of short stories, Randy Ward shares several of his experiences in policing in a small city with a mid-sized service. The stories are a quick read but provide a clear picture of the events.

Many officers will relate to these experiences and the public will gain an understanding of the many types of incidents officers respond to – from the very serious to the humorous.

The different incidents demonstrate the many roles officers take on in their daily duties. Strong communication, empathy, compassion, attention to detail, investigational techniques, crime and social trends and understanding the communities and people they serve – these are all just some of the skill sets needed to gain a clear understanding of the many situations we as officers are involved in.

Randy’s narration also helps the reader understand what he thought as he attended incidents, the direct impacts of these incidents and the importance of strong supports from family, fellow officers, external relationships and his faith.

Often throughout your career in policing you hear from everyday people how they had no idea what was really going on in their communities in terms of crime or the degree of the intensity of many situations and investigations officers become enmeshed in. Folks are often surprised how horrific events can be but also how many humorous situations take place in the line of duty. Randy’s book has shared many stories that demonstrate this. It is a quick, easy enjoyable read.

– Tom McKenzie, former police chief of Lethbridge Police Service

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