Blue Line

Woodstock Police Service starts fundraiser for member with ALS

The Woodstock Police Service is issuing an “Officer Call for Assistance” across Ontario and the country in the hopes of raising funds to assist Const. Jason Geerts, who was recently diagnosed with ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

July 7, 2017  By Staff

Geerts, a 9-year year police veteran who also served 12 years with the Canadian Navy, came to the Woodstock Police Service from the Guelph Police Service in 2015 but has been forced to leave work to try to slow down the disease.

The only treatment available in Canada is a medication aimed at minimally slowing down and managing the symptoms of the disease. According to WPS, Geerts is already on about 20 supplements daily and has connected with a doctor out of Miami for a treatment regime of 4 times per year for a week at a time. Weekly, he also visits naturopaths, homeopaths and many other alternative treatment specialists both inside and outside of Canada “in an attempt to rid his body of everything unnatural in order to provide him with the best possible means to fight ALS internally.”

Many of these alternative treatments involve travel away from his wife, Brandie, and their two sons, Ethan (6) and Brody (4), and are not covered financially by OHIP or by Geerts’ workplace benefits. WPS says it hopes to reach out to “our brothers and sisters in law enforcement for your financial assistance for Jason and his family to aid in his fight against this deadly disease.”

Donations can be made to: “Arrest ALS for Gertzy” via

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