Blue Line

Toronto releases results from proactive gun violence projects

August 29, 2024  By Toronto Police Service

Aug. 29, 2024, Toronto, Ont. – Toronto Police Service’s 43 Division announced the results of two projects that led to 406 charges and the seizure of 24 firearms.

“In response to a rise in gun crime across 43 Division at the beginning of this year, we decided to initiate Project Community, a collaboration led by the divisional Major Crime Unit, Neighbourhood Community Office and the newly developed Bail Compliance Unit,” said A/Supt. Ryan Forde.

The project resulted in 18 arrests, 109 charges laid, six firearms seized and three stolen vehicles recovered.

Despite this positive outcome, 43 Division was still dealing with the highest number of firearm offences in the city. Building on the success of Project Community, and in collaboration with the TPS Integrated Gun and Gang Task Force, including the Centralized Shooting Response Team, 43 Division launched Project Springboard.


Between April and June of this year officers made an additional 30 arrests, 297 charges laid and 18 firearms seized.

“Thanks to the collaboration of our specialized units with our members at the division, we were able to disrupt and reduce gun crime in our communities,” said Forde. “I also want to thank the community members whose contributions let to the success of both of these projects.”

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