Blue Line

The Cold Case Foundation works with new investigation tool

December 28, 2022  By Blue Line Staff

Dec. 27, 2022, U.S.- The Cold Case Foundation, established in 2013, recently began working a new case management software, VIXN, created by Fermata Discovery.

The Cold Case Foundation brings a versatile group of experts together in one network. The members of the Cold Case Foundation are spread throughout the country but work together in conjunction with law enforcement agencies to provide a fresh look at cold cases.

Fermata Discovery, Inc. is a software development firm creating streamlined tools that accelerate and refine the investigation process. Its flagship product, VIXN (Visualize Information Across Networks), is a multifunctional case management and investigation platform.

VIXN analyzes and visualizes high volumes of information on-demand to connect the dots in complex investigations.

The Cold Case Foundation has opted to use VIXN for some of their own cases and provide feedback regarding the application so Fermata can continue to enhance their product.

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