Blue Line

Statement from Chief Martin Gaudet on his retirement

July 25, 2024  By Fredericton Police Force

July 25, 2024, Fredericton, N.B. – The following is a statement from Chief Martin Gaudet of the Fredericton Police Force on his upcoming retirement.

“After much reflection, I have made the decision to retire from my position as Fredericton Police Chief on my anniversary date. My retirement will take effect on August 29, 2024.

“It has been an incredible journey, and together we have achieved significant milestones over the years. We embraced technology in policing by successfully implementing body worn cameras for our frontline officers, enhancing transparency and accountability. Additionally, our public safety and community camera project, which deployed CCTV cameras across the city, has contributed to a safer environment for all residents.

“We’ve also developed a robust recruitment strategy to attract the best talent to our force and have recently announced the reinstatement of School Resource Officers (SROs), changed to a strategic driven approach for our future growth, adding ten new officer positions to our complement.

“Our relationship with Sitansisk remains strong, and we are committed to its continued growth. Through compassionate and effective policing, we work cooperatively with the Chief and Council to ensure the well-being and safety of the community and look forward to further strengthening our partnership.

“I am particularly proud of our work to bring the APA Academy to Fredericton. The establishment of the APA (Atlantic Police Academy) in Fredericton has been a significant milestone, providing specialized training and professional development opportunities for people who have roots here, and will see 12 new cadets join our ranks upon completion.

“As I step away from this role, I want to express my gratitude. It has been a privilege to work alongside incredible individuals during my 30 years of policing. Together, we have served and protected our community with professionalism, integrity, respect, compassion, and unwavering accountability.

“To my successor, I wish you the very best as you build upon the legacy our team has created. And to my family, I look forward to the next chapter in our lives with excitement and anticipation.

“Thank you all for your support and dedication in working to make our Police Force the best it can be.”

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