Blue Line

RCMP releases 2021 Federal Policing Annual Report

November 24, 2022  By Blue Line Staff / Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Nov. 24, 2022, Ottawa, Ont. – The RCMP has released its first Federal Policing Annual Report, a comprehensive document that defines federal policing’s unique and extensive mandate and highlights key accomplishments from 2021.

Federal policing is a core function of the RCMP, responsible for investigating the most serious criminal threats to Canadians, falling under three main priority areas: national security, transnational and serious organized crime, and cybercrime. This landmark document offers a glimpse into what this work looks like, breaking down each pillar of the federal policing program, showcasing success stories from last year, and outlining steps the RCMP has taken to ensure the program is equipped for future challenges.

Federal policing plays a unique role within the RCMP. From securing Canada’s borders to fighting transnational crime, safeguarding our national security while participating in international investigations, federal policing has a sweeping mandate that may not be as well understood as the RCMP’s other responsibilities. This report is intended to raise awareness of this crucial program and its recent progress, detailing successful cybercrime investigations, major drug and illegal firearm seizures, participation in international peacekeeping missions, and much more.

Crime looks far different today than it has in the past. Modern technologies have enabled criminals to operate and connect in new ways, resulting in criminal activity that is sophisticated, borderless and extremely elusive. As these threats continue to evolve, so too must responses from police. This report highlights the ways in which federal policing continues to adapt to a rapidly changing environment, dismantling the tools and technologies that modern criminals have come to rely on and proactively addressing emerging threats. Part of that involves changing the structure of the program itself. Alongside operational achievements, this report outlines the innovative ways in which federal policing is making the most of its resources, whether realigning the program under a single national command structure or leveraging civilian expertise with the introduction of Civilian Criminal Investigator positions. Moves like this help ensure that federal policing has the right tools to fulfill its mandate, that these tools are used where they will have the greatest impact, and that the RCMP maintains the capacity that Canadians have come to expect from their national police force.

This is the first Federal Policing Annual Report, and it will not be the last. The RCMP is committed to raising awareness of this crucial program and keeping you informed of the work that Federal Policing is doing year after year. In the meantime, please take the time to read the 2021 Federal Policing Annual Report.

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