Blue Line

People smuggling to Canada from U.S. increasing, report finds

Nov 19 2013

OTTAWA - A newly declassified report says smugglers were caught trying to slip dramatically more people into Canada from the United States in 2011 compared with the previous year.

The binational report on border security says authorities apprehended 487 people as smugglers attempted to sneak them into Canada at unguarded points along the border - a 58 per cent increase over 2010.

At the same time, the number of people caught being spirited into the United States from Canada fell slightly during the same period to 360.

December 2, 2013  By

Nov 19 2013

OTTAWA – A newly declassified report says smugglers were caught trying to slip dramatically more people into Canada from the United States in 2011 compared with the previous year.

The binational report on border security says authorities apprehended 487 people as smugglers attempted to sneak them into Canada at unguarded points along the border – a 58 per cent increase over 2010.

At the same time, the number of people caught being spirited into the United States from Canada fell slightly during the same period to 360.


The figures on smuggling activity between official ports of entry appear in the 2012 Integrated Border Enforcement Team threat assessment report, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act.

An advocacy group for refugees attributes the surge in Canada-bound human smuggling attempts to an agreement between the countries that has prompted desperate refugees to turn to criminal groups willing to help them across the border.

Under the Safe Third Country agreement, which took effect in December 2004, Canada and the U.S. recognize each other as safe places for refugee claimants to seek protection.

Nov 19 2013 OTTAWA – The number of people apprehended by authorities in human smuggling operations from the United States to Canada in various border enforcement team regions in 2011 (2010 figures in brackets).

Yukon: 0 (0)

Pacific/Okanagan: 35 (11)

Rocky Mountain: 5 (5)

Prairies: 0 (0)

Red River: 38 (16)

Superior: 0 (0)

Sault Ste. Marie: 0 (0)

Windsor/Detroit: 4 (0)

Niagara Frontier: 0 (5)

Thousand Islands: 8 (2)

Central St. Lawrence Valley: 5 (0)

Valleyfield: 15 (1)

Champlain: 145 (126)

Eastern: 232 (132)

Atlantic: 0 (10)

Total: 487 (308)

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