Blue Line

Peel Regional Police launch first-in-Canada, specialized anti-human trafficking training for all officers

January 10, 2023  By Blue Line Staff / Peel Regional Police

Jan. 10, 2022, Mississauga, Ont. – Peel Regional Police has announced the launch of highly specialized antihuman trafficking training for all of its front-line and investigative officers.

The first-of-its-kind in Canada, tailored training will see over 2,200 officers from Peel Police gain deeper understanding and skills to identify and detect signs and instances of human trafficking. Officers service-wide will be better equipped to support human trafficking survivors with available and relevant resources during calls-for-service, community engagement initiatives and ongoing investigations within the Region of Peel.

Peel Police’s ability to be the first service to roll out this unique survivor-led training was made possible by the close collaboration and partnership with Timea’s Cause. Their mission is to raise awareness and educate others while funding rehabilitation initiatives that support human trafficking survivors across North America. The Government of Ontario supports this vital initiative and aligns with important provincial priorities, including those within the Combatting Human Trafficking Act, 2021, and Ontario Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy.

The following are signs that could be indicators but are not explicit confirmations that someone is a survivor of human trafficking. Survivors often display a combination of the following signs and may be indicators that someone is being groomed or is already being exploited:


  • Withdrawn from family and friends.
  • Becoming secretive about who they are with and where they are going.
  • Owning expensive items and clothing that they cannot afford or explain.
  • Owning more than one cellphone.


  • Protective and secretive about new boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • Coming home later than usual without explanation.
  • Having moods swings or change in attitude.
  • Signs of malnutrition – causing weight loss.


  • Shows visible signs of physical abuse – unexplained injuries, bruises, cigarette burns and/or cuts.
  • Visible signs of branding/scarring as a symbol of ownership by the trafficker such as tattooing.

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