Blue Line

Numerica launches data-augmented facial recognition software

Numerica Corp., which develops software solutions for law enforcement, has launched Lumen FR, a next-generation, integrated facial recognition system available commercially in Canada and the United States.

May 31, 2018  By Staff

Combining deep learning facial recognition algorithms with a set of known offender information from multiple sources (including criminal histories, vehicle and person links, and other criminal records information), Lumen FR enables law enforcement investigators, officers, and analysts to narrow a list of potential suspects for a crime from millions of known offenders to a handful of likely suspects within a few seconds.
“Lumen FR’s sophisticated analytical capabilities for automatically assimilating offender information is capable of rapidly identifying a small number of suspects matching a ‘probe’ photo and other known details about a subject, such as vehicle associations or tattoo descriptions, then quickly and easily assessing those matches, resulting in better quality leads that are more likely to result in successful case filings,” explains Brian Strock, manager of the public safety group at Numerica.
Lumen FR integrates into the entire Lumen software suite, including:

• Lumen Desktop, which provides an interface to search, analyze and share data, produce photo lineups, create link charts, and map disparate data sources;
• Lumen Mobile, a simple mobile interface which enables users on a smartphone to find information related to any entity; and
• Lumen Vault, which allows users not only to store their digital media files securely, but also to integrate them with data from other sources such as RMS and CAD.

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