Blue Line

NPF Welcomes Recommendation to Fully Integrate Halifax Regional Municipality Policing Services

April 27, 2023  By National Police Federation

Apr. 27, 2023, Halifax, N.S. – Following is a statement from Brian Sauvé, President and CEO, National Police Federation, in response to the release of the Halifax Regional Municipality’s Policing Model Transformation Study recommendations:

“The National Police Federation welcomes the release of the PwC Policing Model Transformation Study, the contents of which were discussed earlier this week at the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) Council meeting and recommends the full integration of the city’s municipal police service and the RCMP, based on four key areas: stronger overall governance, more effective leadership, community-led capacity to respond to health and wellness calls, and efficient integration of all policing services.

As outlined in the report, an increasingly costly and strained working relationship between the Halifax Regional Police (HRP) and the RCMP creates increased public safety risks to the residents of the HRM.

More specifically, and as referenced in the report, it has become clear over time that ‘collaboration, integration, and the strength of the relationship between the RCMP and HRP is deteriorating,’ and that the current model is simply not productive. Above all, HRM residents deserve a policing model that best suits the community’s evolving public safety needs. Our Members, as well as members of the HRP, deserve a working environment that enables an efficient and cooperative workplace.

The report also contains information in areas like costs, which are expected to be equivalent or less than the current model; in policing standards, which would minimize duplication of services and capabilities through proper coordination; and in the delivery of policing services, which will deliver improved outcomes to public safety to the HRM in less time, with less risk, cost, and effort.

Finally, where other policing studies across the country have often framed their analysis and recommendations through a political lens, we welcome this report as an example of a fulsome, transparent review and feasibility study. We also hope that these recommendations will be adopted, to support better working conditions and the delivery of improved police services delivery for all HRP residents.”

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