Blue Line

Nelson Police transitions to digital police notebooks

March 20, 2024  By Blue Line Staff

Mar. 20, 2024, Nelson, B.C. – in 2024, the Nelson Police Department made a transformative step towards modernization by partnering with Digital Mobility Incorporated (DMI) to implement cutting-edge technology aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and public safety.

The Nelson Police Department launched a ground-breaking pilot project introducing the Intelligent Mobile Patrol (IMP) software. This software will facilitate a seamless transition for Nelson Police officers from traditional paper-based notes to electronic notes, marking a significant leap forward in modernizing their historic duty notetaking process. The IMP software has been deployed on mobile phones, mobile workstations and desktop computers, establishing a dynamic connection to databases.

This integration is poised to streamline operations, create efficiencies and enhance the overall effectiveness of the police force. The adoption of the IMP software aligns with Nelson Police’s commitment to embrace innovation for the betterment of public safety.

“We believe this technological advancement will empower our officers, allowing them to perform their duties more efficiently and effectively. Intelligent Mobile Patrol equips officers with a secure means to take supplementary photos and recordings. All of these new functions are bolstered by heightened transparency and credibility to officer notes, with time-stamped entries and increased legibility,” said Nelson Police.

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