Blue Line


November 12, 2014  By

Are the authors of this “article” for real? (Extremism In Canada-October 2014) In a time unlike any before when we are faced with the very real and imminent threat of domestic terrorism, the authors choose to focus (and your magazine chooses to publish) this rubbish on the threat of right-wing extremism?  Yes, I realize radical groups like the Freemen and similar have a strong anti-government bent and they DO present a problem for law enforcement. But are they REALLY what we need to be focusing on?  I think not. And for so-called academics to ignore the historical fact that both the KKK and the Nazi regime have their roots clearly in the socialist/liberal-democrat left only adds to the authors’ total lack of credibility and clear political agenda.  I am a long-time reader of your magazine and an LE veteran. I just want you to know how much I object to this factually inaccurate and politically motivated “academic” tripe.

Thanks for your time.

Name Withheld

<<< Insert PHOTO BEAUDOIN Lyle >>>
I was reading the October edition of Blue Line Magazine when I noticed that the list of Order of Merit of the Police Forces was missing one name: our own Deputy Chief Lyle Beaudoin who was also in Ottawa to receive his appointment.


For your information!

Delta Police Department

< Publisher’s Note >

With our apologies we acknowledge the oversite. Deputy Chief Beaudoin’s photo and information was in our files but somehow did not make it to the layout stage. We have noticed a marked increase in recipients of the Order over the years and the Governor General’s staff do an amazing job of getting it all correct. This recognition is well received in that it transcends all ranks and positions within the police services across Canada. We here at Blue Line Magazine are happy to encourage this worthwhile award of excellence and do not wish to see anyone overlooked.


Ron and I were grateful to receive Blue Line Magazine when we first moved to the U.S. It was a unique way for us to observe policing, and culture in general, from a Canadian viewpoint. Unfotunately Ron passed away in June and with the major changes in my life right now, it is necessary to remove myself from as many mailings as possible.

Thank you for excellent reading for all these years.

Susan M Sawatsky
Warrington, PA

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