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Languages of Life honours Ottawa Police Service

Ottawa Police Service (OPS) took home an award recently from Languages of Life (LOL) in recognition of 25 years of work in the community with immigrants, newcomers, minorities, children of abuse and victims of crisis.

May 24, 2017  By Staff


“I am honoured to be presenting this award to the Ottawa Police Service for 25 years of supporting languages of life in serving the community,” said LOL’s executive director Yasmin Mansouri.

The award was presented at LOL’s Diversity Fundraising Gala.

“I am very honoured to accept this award on behalf of the Ottawa Police,” said OPS director-general Debra Frazer. “We pride ourselves on being an inclusive organization and we want to encourage that kind of co-operation and collaboration with our community partners.”

LOL is a non-profit that provides interpretation and translations services for Ottawa residents.

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