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Investigative Review Framework update from Thunder Bay Police Service: Members announced

September 10, 2019  By Staff

The Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD)’s systemic review of the Thunder Bay Police Service (TBPS) resulted in a number of recommendations, including the formation of a multi-discipline investigation team to review the deaths of nine indigenous persons, according to a July 2019 media release.

The TBPS has worked diligently to address the recommendations from the report, the service reported. On June 18, Chief Hauth presented the Thunder Bay Police Services Board with an update as to the progress in addressing these important recommendations and to advise of next steps.

The June 18th report to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board stated that it was decided, in consultation with the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario and the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, that nine of the cases identified by the OIPRD will be reviewed by an independent, multi-disciplinary and multi-agency team to determine investigative steps.
There will be a three-tiered oversight framework to manage and conduct the reviews, and ultimate re-investigations. The three tiers are:

1. Executive Governance Committee
2. Investigative Resource Committee
3. Blended Investigative Team

This July, the Thunder Bay Police Service announced the composition of the three tiers.

Executive Governance Committee:

• The Honourable Stephen Goudge
• Chief Sylvie Hauth, Thunder Bay Police Service
• Dr. Dirk Huyer, Chief Coroner of Ontario
• Dr. Michael Pollanen, Chief Forensic Pathologist and Deputy Chief Coroner (Ontario)
• Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler

Investigative Resource Committee

• Dr. Kona Williams, Forensic Pathologist – Director of Sudbury Forensic Pathology Unit
• Dr. Barry McLellan, Investigating Coroner
• Susan Orlando, Crown Attorney
• Kimberly Murray, Indigenous Justice Division – Ministry of the Attorney General
• Other experts will be utilized as required

Blended Investigative Team

• Detective Superintendent Ken Leppert (Ret – OPP)
• Nishnawbe Aski Police Service Detective Constable
• 5 Thunder Bay Police Service Detective Constables

More information, including projected timelines for this investigative process can be found in the Thunder Bay Police Service OIPRD Recommendations Update Report on this webpage.

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