Blue Line

Innovative replacement correctional centre now open in Nanaimo

May 22, 2024  By Province of British Columbia

May 22, 2024, Nanaimo, B.C. – A new state-of-the-art facility in Nanaimo is a significant step forward in advancing correctional services on Vancouver Island and supporting community safety.

Located next to the original correctional centre, the new campus-style Nanaimo Correctional Centre (NCC) is architecturally inspired by traditional Coast Salish plank houses and designed to ensure safety and security, while supporting a strong connection to the natural environment and an operational model focused on healing, recovery and change.

In addition to expanding remand capacity for Vancouver Island, the new centre includes a unit for women and features modern purpose-built spaces for programs such as the Guthrie program, which combines work, addictions treatment and counselling. The new centre features specialized areas for working with people with complex mental-health needs and a sophisticated health-care centre.

“Helping people make meaningful change and take steps to address the root cause of their behaviour is challenging work,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “The new NCC is a testament to our commitment to supporting those individuals and the dedicated correctional and health professionals who play a vital role in fostering safer communities.”

The new NCC recognizes the evolution of correctional practice and proves that the use of natural light and building materials, which create more normative and positive environments, can co-exist with advanced security features that keep people safe.

Throughout construction, hundreds of local jobs were generated, and more opportunities continue to be available to support the expanded health and correctional services offered at the new centre. Additional work will take place at NCC to support the construction of a building for traditional Indigenous programs and a horticultural centre, adding to the unique programming BC Corrections offers throughout the province to support healing through culture, and help people gain new skills and see themselves in a new light.

The completion of the new NCC represents government’s commitment to leading change through innovation and strategic investments that support British Columbians.

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