Blue Line

Detective Manuel Illner named Kiwanis Top Cop 2022

June 12, 2023  By Blue Line Staff / Edmonton Police Service

Photo credit: Edmonton Police Service

June 12, 2023, Edmonton, Alta. – The Kiwanis Club of Edmonton – Oil Capital has named Edmonton Police Service (EPS) Det. Manuel Illner as their Top Cop for 2022.

Det. Illner is receiving the Kiwanis Top Cop award for his ongoing commitment to improving the lives of children as a police officer and a coach.

He was nominated by Lori Farquharson Persaud, Executive Director of the Fort Edmonton Foundation (former Acting CEO / Director of Business and Community Development with Edmonton’s Zebra Child and Youth Advocacy Centre).

For several years, the two worked closely together to support child abuse victims, and Det. Illner volunteered his time to assist with Zebra’s public education and fundraising efforts.

“I am pleased to nominate Det. Manuel Illner as I believe he exemplifies everything this role represents and is a true ambassador for EPS and our community. He continuously looks for additional ways to make a difference for his community and youth, and he volunteers, coaches, and mentors numerous children and youth through sport. His passion and commitment are his strongest traits, and when he commits, he delivers.”

For the past 10 years, Det. Illner has also volunteered as a coach with St. Albert Slam Basketball, where he encourages and motivates young players to do their best.

As part of the award, the Kiwanis Club of Edmonton – Oil Capital is donating $1,000 to the charity of Det. Illner’s choice, which is the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Det. Illner is the 47th EPS officer recognized by Kiwanis for outstanding volunteer contributions in the community since 1976. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

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