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Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World

Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World
By Melissa Agnes; 2018, 288 pages
ISBN: 978-1684014132

November 15, 2018  By Brian Willis

“Crisis” is a word very familiar to the law enforcement profession. For some the word invokes images of a situation that is overwhelming and out of control. Others embrace the philosophy that the symbol for “crisis” represents both “danger” and “opportunity.”

In 2015 I had the pleasure of meeting crisis management advisor Melissa Agnes and began to learn about her philosophies on building a “crisis ready culture.” Through three interviews, watching her TEDx talk and witnessing her WINx talk live, I formed a deeper insight into her philosophies.

In March of this year, Agnes released the book Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World. This engaging book provides both a framework and a guidebook on creating a crisis ready and crisis resilient culture in any organization.

In the book, Agnes defines crisis and makes the distinction between a crisis and an issue. Throughout the book she shares stories to highlight both more and less desirable responses to crisis. She also asks engaging questions and provides “Crisis Ready Rules.”

While much of law enforcement training focuses on handling incidents in the field, Agnes challenges us to take a bigger picture view of events that may have a long-term impact on the trust of our communities, employees and partner agencies. She provides strategies to help your agency establish themselves as the source of trust and reason in the middle of chaos and crisis. She also cautions about the dangers of thinking that being crisis ready is the sole domain of a few small groups within organizations.

Crisis Ready is a book you need to not just read, but also study, dissect, discuss and then take action on the principles and guidelines provided.

– Brian Willis, deputy executive director for the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association and retired Calgary Police Service sergeant

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