Blue Line

CrimeCenter Software launches case management system

CrimeCenter Software recently revealed a new case management system developed specifically for law enforcement officers to “simplify and streamline” information collected from investigations into “easily accessible chunks of data”. The software was designed by several former law enforcement officers, according to the company, and contains over 200 standard reports that are customizable to fit the specific needs of any agency or police department.

June 22, 2017  By Staff

“It removes the nuisance tasks that officers don’t want to be doing — like filing and mapping — and frees them up to be able to do real policework,” said Michael Cunningham, operations manager, CrimeCenter Software.

The CrimeCenter solution includes out-of-the-box, standard reports for:

• Incident response and reporting,
• Investigation management,
• Intelligence management,
• Analytics and reporting,
• Assignments management,
• Use of force and OIS management,
• Crime scene management,
• Lead management, and
• Property and evidence.

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