Blue Line

Buyers Guide


2500 Place Chassé 104, Montréal, QC, H1Y 0A9, Canada
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Equip your team with the latest technology for a safer and more effective law enforcement experience:
ZENSPIRE Army, managing stress, improving sleep and optimizing recovery – RFID Weapons/Equipment Management & Tracking for Police Armories – CSI Sperm Tracker “STK” Spray for swift and reliable evidence collection – Locksmith Soundwave Decoder Imaging – Forensic UV Lights (5 Years Warranty) – K9 Supervision Dogs’ Camera (900ft Range, Stable Footage) – UAS Drone Countermeasures (Detection, Neutralization) – Small Through-Wall Detection Radar Device – 14000 lm Tactical light for ballistic and anti-riot shields – Non-Lethal Dazzling Laser (Short and Long Range) – Counter-Terrorism Ground Bomb Killer (IED Protection) – Biobag (Anti-Anthrax, Fentanyl, and More).
Contact us for more information and pricing.

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We offer Products and Services in 21 Categories

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