Blue Line

Canada 911 Ride Foundation to hold Ontario ride in August

July 8, 2024  By Brittani Schroeder

July 8, 2024, Toronto, Ont. – The Canada 911 Ride Foundation has announced its annual three-day ride, scheduled for Aug. 23 to 25 in Ontario. This police-escorted motorcycle ride is dedicated to raising funds to honour the legacy of emergency first responders who have died in the line of duty.

“We achieve this by commemorating their service through the placement of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) devices in their name, reintegrating their life-saving legacy into the community. Additionally, we offer educational support to the children of these heroes and collaborate with the Mikey Network to facilitate the placement of public access AEDs,” the organization stated in a press release.

Last year’s ride honoured five Ontario police officers who died in the line of duty: Toronto Police Service’s (TPS) Cst. Andrew Hong, Ontario Provincial Police’s (OPP) Cst. Greg Pierzchala, South Simcoe Police Service’s Constables Morgan Russell and Devon Northrup, and York Regional Police’s Cst. Travis Gillespie.

In 2023, the Ride introduced a third optional riding day on the Friday preceding the main event. This extra day, named Honger’s Rolling Thunder, paid tribute to TPS Cst. Hong, “a dedicated escort of our ride who tragically lost his life on duty on September 12, 2022,” shared the organization. Honger’s Rolling Thunder will again take place, this year on Aug. 23.


This year, the organization will honour OPP Sgt. Eric Mueller, who died in the line of duty on May 11, 2023.

The ride will begin on Aug. 23, at Classy Chassis Motorcycle in Lakefield, Ont., and will conclude on Aug. 25, at the York Regional Police Association building in Aurora, Ont. The banquet and formal ceremonies will take place on Aug. 24, at the Nottawasaga Inn Resort & Conference Centre located in Alliston, Ont.

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