Blue Line

Braidwood pleased with report; Taser considers appeal

Aug 10 2010

VANCOUVER - The former BC judge who headed an inquiry into police use of Tasers says he's pleased his report's conclusion that the weapons can kill will stand.

October 1, 2010  By

Aug 10 2010

VANCOUVER – The former BC judge who headed an inquiry into police use of Tasers says he’s pleased his report’s conclusion that the weapons can kill will stand.

Thomas Braidwood was reacting to a court decision rejecting a challenge by Taser International, which argued Braidwood was wrong when he said in his report on the death of Robert Dziekanski that stun guns can lead to death.

Taser had claimed it was treated unfairly, that the commission had ignored its medical experts who said the weapons are safe and that the conclusions Braidwood reached weren’t supported by the facts.


But Justice Robert Sewell ruled today it’s clear to him that Taser’s submissions were carefully considered and the company’s
complaints have no merit.

Braidwood says he read all the material Taser submitted
carefully, as did his staff and he believes the findings in his report have been helpful to police.

Braidwood’s report was released in two phases and examined the events surrounding the case of Robert Dziekanski, who died three years ago at Vancouver airport after being zapped repeatedly by an RCMP Taser.

(The Canadian Press)

Aug 11 2010

VANCOUVER – Taser International is considering whether to appeal a BC Supreme Court ruling that rejected its bid to quash a report finding the weapon can kill.

Lawyer David Neave says the company is carefully reviewing the 19-page ruling handed down yesterday in Vancouver.

While Arizona-based Taser has a long history of litigation against suggestions the stun guns aren’t safe, the court disagreed.

A judge concluded arguments the weapons-maker wasn’t treated fairly by the inquiry into Robert Dziekanski’s death had “no

The company challenged inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood’s findings after he released a report on the weapons last year.

Braidwood said Tasers do have the capacity to fatally affect the heart.

Dziekanski died after being repeatedly stunned by RCMP
officers when they found him in a chaotic state in Vancouver Airport.

(The Canadian Press)

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