Blue Line

Blue Line Celebrates 25 Years

On behalf of all members of York Regional Police, our heartiest congratulations to Blue Line Magazine for 25 years of proud service to the policing community in Canada. It has earned the distinction of being Canada’s premiere independent law enforcement publication.

This magazine caters to a broad range of people in the law enforcement community, from Chiefs of Police to frontline personnel. Throughout their 25 years, they have informed Canadian police officers about important policing matters, encouraging us to understand and adapt to the unique challenges we face in our profession.

Over the years I have witnessed Blue Line Magazine address contemporary policing trends such as training, health and safety, case law and technology and regularly featuring progressive police agencies from across our great country. This gives us all a chance to learn from each other while fostering that wonderful sense of family and pride we have as Canadian police officers.

At York Regional Police, we’ve been honoured to have had some of our officers and units featured in the pages of the magazine.

In addition, Blue Line’s annual EXPO is a great national event, displaying the very latest in products, technology, training and services to the Canadian law enforcement community. We’re also pleased this event has been held in York Region for the past 17 years.

Congratulations once again to publisher Morley Lymburner and all the staff at Blue Line Magazine for 25 years of excellence.

Chief Eric Jolliffe,

York Regional Police

December 2, 2013  By

It’s hard to believe that Blue Line Magazine has been around for 25 years already. I only wish that it had been around for the 10 years prior! It remains the premiere law enforcement magazine in Canada.

I’ve enjoyed the varied content since day one, from the analysis of various court decisions, to profiles of different police services and their leaders (at all levels), as well as emerging trends, new technology and/or approaches to emerging public safety issues. It has all been both relevant and interesting.

Morley’s opinion pieces have sometimes been controversial, often thought-provoking, usually on point….and occasionally I totally disagreed with his position. But his articles challenged me to consider those differing views and opinions, which made me a better leader and police officer. That’s exactly what opinion pieces should do!!!

Thank you Blue Line for being all of those things and much more. Happy 25th anniversary and wishing you many happy returns. Please keep doing what you do so well.


Chris Lewis

OPP Commissioner


I remember Blue Line when this brash new publication arrived in the mail in 1988. Launched at about the same time as a competing magazine, The Canadian Police Officer, Blue Line quickly outdistanced and outlasted the competition.

There was no precedent for a magazine addressed specifically to police officers in Canada, for up to that time we made do with a few hard-to-come-by American publications and the RCMP Gazette and Quarterly.

Blue Line Magazine was viewed as a cheeky upstart, with crusty elders distaining the impudence of the unknown Toronto police officer behind it. But neither publisher Morley Lymburner nor Blue Line chose to shrink away from the critics. Instead Blue Line kept popping up increasingly in the squad rooms and lounges, with often a single copy passing from hand to hand.

The publisher read his market well, and soon the content was quoted as an authentic resource.(Blue Line News Week) some readers were aghast when media articles critical of the police were reproduced in the clips, causing the faint-of-heart to implore the editor to suppress all bad news. Didn’t happen, and we learned to take it as it plays.

After 25 years, Blue Line Magazine is an important element of our tradition, and a proud Canadian icon. Best wishes and thanks to Morley & Mary Lymburner, editor Mark Reesor and the Blue Line family for a precious gift enriching the professional life of all police officers and staff.

Robert F. Lunney,

Chief of Police (Ret.)

Edmonton Police Service,
Peel Regional Police


I would like to offer my congratulations to staff of Blue Line Magazine for its 25th anniversary.

For most of the time I’ve been a police officer, there has always been a copy of Blue Line somewhere nearby. Over the years it has been a source of information and inspiration. It serves an important function for those of us in law enforcement. It unites us across the country by allowing us to share best practices and celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

In many ways it also serves as a history and archive of Canadian law enforcement. It is a journal that has chronicled every major development in tactics and equipment over the last quarter century.

I am confident it will continue to do so for the next 25 years.

Jim Chu,

Chief Constable,

Vancouver Police

President – Canadian Association of
Chiefs of Police


On behalf of all members of York Regional Police, our heartiest congratulations to Blue Line Magazine for 25 years of proud service to the policing community in Canada. It has earned the distinction of being Canada’s premiere independent law enforcement publication.

This magazine caters to a broad range of people in the law enforcement community, from Chiefs of Police to frontline personnel. Throughout their 25 years, they have informed Canadian police officers about important policing matters, encouraging us to understand and adapt to the unique challenges we face in our profession.

Over the years I have witnessed Blue Line Magazine address contemporary policing trends such as training, health and safety, case law and technology and regularly featuring progressive police agencies from across our great country. This gives us all a chance to learn from each other while fostering that wonderful sense of family and pride we have as Canadian police officers.

At York Regional Police, we’ve been honoured to have had some of our officers and units featured in the pages of the magazine.

In addition, Blue Line’s annual EXPO is a great national event, displaying the very latest in products, technology, training and services to the Canadian law enforcement community. We’re also pleased this event has been held in York Region for the past 17 years.

Congratulations once again to publisher Morley Lymburner and all the staff at Blue Line Magazine for 25 years of excellence.

Chief Eric Jolliffe,

York Regional Police


Thank you Blue Line Magazine. You have earned your position as the most important law enforcement publication in Canada.

You consistently, reliably and respectfully feature all the different components of law enforcement, from frontline to back office and literally everything in between.

In an era where brevity and sound bites seems to rule the day, Blue Line Magazine’s long-format provides the space to showcase, explain and debate important, complex aspects of policing and public safety. Congratulations on achieving 25 years of publishing excellence.

Catherine Martin,

Corporate Communicator,

Hamilton Police Service


Congratulations to Blue Line Magazine, Morley Lymburner and all the Blue Line staff in achieving 25 years of publishing.

In my policing career Blue Line Magazine has been a staple. In Canadian Policing Blue Line stands tall as a catalyst for professional development. Blue Line has informed, facilitated and yes even sparked its readership into meaningful dialogue on public and officer safety. I especially enjoyed the sharp pointed editorials that have caused the reader to closely examine and challenge their own perspective.

Blue Line Magazine always examined all sides of an issue and at most times this examination led to a clear stance. A stance that never meant to be the final word but always there as touch point to engage in an important dialogue. Then there were articles designed to elicit a deeper refection usually on issues filled with more shades of grey.

Never shy; Blue Line would challenge those with a governance responsibility/mandate to demonstrate leadership and take action. In a society where we far too often “go along to get along” we are fortunate to have Blue Line serve as a not so subtle reminder we all have a responsibility to dig even deeper to make the best informed decisions one could make.

Kudos to Blue Line Magazine on 25 years of engaging all of us with such a powerful dialogue.

Edgar MacLeod,


Atlantic Police Academy


Happy 25th Anniversary Morley!

Blue Line Magazine has long been considered the ‘front-line’ magazine for highlighting current issues and identifying future trends that impact police services across the country.

It is a well-respected brand that is achieved through dedication to editorial excellence. As a former journalist, I appreciate what it takes to turn out a successful publication, such as Blue Line! Its well-earned reputation allows Blue Line to provide informed commentaries and insights.

Throughout my communications work in government, I have come to rely on Blue Line Magazine, as well as its weekly online news summary, as an integral part of my media monitoring/analysis and environment scanning responsibilities. Blue Line has kept me up-to-date on important initiatives being undertaken by police services in Canada.

‘Congratulations Morley, and best wishes always for you, your family and staff!

John Yoannou,

Strategic Communications Co-ordinator,

Toronto, Ontario


I have been a loyal follower of Blue Line Magazine since its inaugural issue 25 years ago. As a young RCMP Constable in small town Saskatchewan, I looked forward to finally being able to read a publication that profiled policing from solely a Canadian perspective.

Being somewhat isolated from the broader policing community, and in a time when the electric typewriter was new technology, Blue Line provided me with the latest in policing news from across Canada at a federal, provincial, regional, First Nations, and municipal level. Two and a half decades later, in a world of instant communication, and at a bit of a distance from frontline policing, I still rely on Blue Line Magazine to keep me informed on issues impacting the Canadian policing community in the areas of evolving technology, case law, operations and leadership. Blue Line is as relevant today as it was 25 years ago.

On behalf of the Edmonton Police Service, I congratulate Blue Line Magazine for 25 years of keeping the Canadian policing community closer together.

Rod R. Knecht,

Chief of Police,

Edmonton Police Service


Morley…. Congratulations to you and the Blue Line Magazine Team on the 25th anniversary of your magazine.

The energy and commitment you have all shown during this time is evident in the continued high quality of its articles, comments and overall impact on the industry that Blue Line offers.

As you may recall, Tom Davey, my father and ES&E Magazine co-founder was a police officer with the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force from 1956-59. He always enjoyed reading the copies of Blue Line Magazine you brought to our regular monthly publishers association meetings and he was happy to have contributed a piece or two over the years.

As publisher of ES&E Magazine, which is also celebrating 25 years this year, I know the hard work, commitment, and talent it takes to succeed in the trade magazine industry. As such, I am confident that your team, and with you at the helm, we can all look forward to many more years of reading Blue Line Magazine. Warmest regards;

Steve Davey,

Editor and Publisher,

Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine


Law enforcement is dynamic, complex and the issues complicated. Blue Line Magazine has been a constant presence addressing the relevant issues, no matter what our profession faces, with practical solutions that are provided professionally and with great integrity and respect.

Blue Line is the pre-eminent law enforcement publication in Canada. Congratulations to Publisher Morley Lymburner and the entire Blue Line Magazine team for your commitment to the people who deliver public safety.

Congratulations, and looking forward to reading and contributing.

Chief Glenn De Caire,

Hamilton Police Service


Thanks to the ongoing efforts of Publisher Morley Lymburner and his dedicated staff of professionals, Blue Line Magazine is recognized as the voice of front line officers not only in policing but all First Responder categories including public safety and security.

I first dealt with Blue Line many years ago when they ran a story on policing changes then taking place at Pearson International airport as the Peel Regional Police assumed responsibility from the RCMP. At the time I was the local security representative for the Air Line Pilots Association International. This was shortly before the attacks on 9/11 changed our world.

Throughout it all Blue Line Magazine has consistently shown courage in tackling tough, difficult issues that had other publications running for cover.

In closing I would like to say thank you for their continued commitment to providing the Canadian public and First Responders with both invaluable information and a powerful voice. Thanks for the last 25 years look forward to my next edition of Blue Line Magazine.

Matt Sheehy,

Director (Canada)

Jetana Security


Congratulations to Blue Line Magazine, publisher Morley Lymburner and all their staff for reaching an impressive milestone – a quarter century publication.

Over the past 25 years, your editorials and articles have offered us lucid, genuine and honest insight into policing and police services.

Kudos for publishing stories crafted directly from the true “thin blue line.” There is such value in reading about the struggles and virtues by our own sergeants, specialists, police chiefs and especially the frontline constables; of learning about feats, travails, risks and challenges on the job; of battles won and sometimes lost. Knowledge is power. We are eager to see what the next 25 years brings.

Heinz Kuck,

Staff Inspector,

Toronto Police Service


Morley… Sincere congratulations to you, the staff, and contributors of Blue Line Magazine on an amazing 25 years of service to the police and law enforcement community. Happy Anniversary!

I have enjoyed your magazine for many years, and looked forward to its arrival every month. Blue Line is filled with informative information that serves all of us well. You have offered a tremendous platform for those in police training to publish the latest information we have to offer, and to learn from others across the country.

I appreciate that you have always welcomed submissions from the Ontario Police College, and have always made room for us in your magazine. In 2012, you were there to celebrate our 50th Anniversary with a special section dedicated to the Ontario Police College. I’m proud to say that a copy of that issue was placed into our Time Capsule, and will be enjoyed by readers in 2062, when it is opened to celebrate our 100th Anniversary.

Thanks for being there for us, Morley, and here’s to a long and prosperous future for Blue Line Magazine.

Bill Stephens,

Director (A)

Ontario Police College

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