Blue Line

ASEBP facilitating more information sharing concerning COVID

April 9, 2020  By Staff

The American Society of Evidence-Based Policing (ASEBP) is seeking to facilitate conversation and information sharing directly between law enforcement agencies.

ASEBP has created a secure law enforcement only portal for police agencies to upload policies, practices and ideas concerning COVID-19.

“Currently, policing organizations are asking agencies to submit information to them in order to gather information and then are pushing out that information back down to their membership,” says Renée J. Mitchell, the founder of ASEBP. “This is the way we have always communicated in policing. During this global pandemic we need a way to share information and ask questions rapidly as this crisis evolves. Additionally, police agencies that have yet to be hit by COVID will need guidance from agencies that are in the trenches of dealing with COVID.”

ASEBP is asking police members to share your policies, practices, and ideas with other agencies by uploading them into the ASEBP COVID portal. The first time you upload should not take more than 30 minutes and only a few minutes after that when you have new policies or practices.

“Additionally, by uploading it into the site, others in your agency could also go in and see the policies and practices as the website will create an individual agency’s COVID-19 gamebook. This site is intended to be a library of individual agencies gamebooks that can be accessed instantaneously. Think of the communication portal as building a library of gamebooks that can be accessed globally by other law enforcement agencies,” Mitchell added.

Visit to begin. You will need to log in with a police email address and approval usually only takes a couple of minutes.

“The site has only been open for a few days and only a few agencies were invited to test out the system, so right now there is only limited information, but if everyone contributes this portal could be a powerful tool for sharing information,” Mitchell said. “If you have policies or practices that don’t fit under our current categories, please just upload them wherever you see fit. These first few weeks we will be creating new categories and shifting information around on the site based on the needs of the agencies.”

Note: When you upload your policies, practices and programs, add the date and a short description of why the policies were implemented so people can see why it is important. The goal of this portal is to create communication between law enforcement to share insight and information internationally. The COVID-19 portal is free for all of law enforcement, which means is not connected to your ASEBP membership, so you will have to click on login and create a new login and password. This will be separate from your ASEBP membership.


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